Friday, 29 June 2007

eBay vs romani

Urmarind noile stiri de pe internet referitoare la lumea IT, aflam vesti proaste pentru tara noastra.Asadar, reprezentantii case de licitatii online eBay au inceput o campanie de prindere a hackerilor romani pentru numeroasele fraude care se intregistreaza pe site-ul oficial al lor.
În 2005, eBay a sesizat intensificarea fraudelor pe Internet în sud-estul Europei. Multe din aceste fraude duc către România, unde infractorii folosesc internet-cafe-urile pentru a nu fi depistaţi, relatează publicaţia, citând reprezentanţii casei de licitaţii online eBay. Experţii de la eBay dau acum lecţii poliţişilor români pentru combaterea infracţionalităţii pe Internet.
Oare ce are toata lumea cu romanii, suntem un popor foarte inteligent pentru unii ?:P Asta e viata ..speram sa isi intrepte cei de la eBay atentia si spre alte natinalitati de infractori, ca doar nu romanii sunt hotii Universului! Oare?:D

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Audi A6 rox

The Audi A6 is a mid-size luxury car / executive car produced by the German automaker Audi. It is available in sedan and station wagon (Avant) body styles. The second generation A6 was also used as the basis for the Allroad. Its primary competitors are the Mercedes-Benz E-Class, BMW 5-Series, Alfa Romeo 166, Jaguar S-Type, Lexus GS and Volvo S80.

AssetsClass-leading space and a marvellous cabin, off-the-scale quality, five star score in EuroNCAP crash tests, sharp-suited Avant estate brilliant for practicality.DrawbacksNot the most sporting car in the class, evolutionary styling quite conservative.VerdictGreat space and a terrific atmosphere in the cabin make the A6 an absolute must for the executive shopping list.

Monday, 25 June 2007

First post

When you get to know someone you tend to tell them about your life, your aspirations, your secrets and hearing theirs in return. But when you feel you know someone inside-out, you feel there's not much to communicate. Instead, you complain about daily irritations, you focus on the trivial, instead of the meaningful. There's always more to learn about each other. Even discussing current events or asking your partner for their point of view on a problem. Only discussing the surface of your lives leads to estrangement. Eventually, you'll feel like that connection that you had at the beginning has disappeared. Keep asking questions about their life and sharing memories and stories and continue to build on that connection, rather than letting it fade away.